FCA Hosts Annual “See You at the Pole”
Students gather to worship, sing in Hall of Excellence
Seniors Katelyn Jansen and Leanna Sequeira pray with student leader
September 25, 2019
Before the sun rose this morning, a large group of students gathered in the Hall of Excellence for the annual “See You at the Pole” event. Students and staff, whether regular attendees of FCA or not, sang and participated in student-led prayer.
Celebrated on the last Wednesday of every September, this event is a nationwide gathering at schools across the country.
“It’s really moving to understand that it’s global,” junior leader Sophie Culver said. “Everyone at the same time is worshipping and praising God.”
The worship was led by local Worship Pastor Adam Trotter, who is also boys soccer assistant coach, a keyboard player from Trotter’s church Jacob Schoon, and Sound System member Halle Booher.
“I enjoyed leading worship this morning for FCA because it was cool to be able to sing about Jesus at school,” Booher said. “It was fun to sing with my friends and to enjoy worshipping together.”
Started in 1990 by a group of kids in Texas, “See You at the Pole” has been a tradition for years, celebrated by Center Grove for the past 15. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes welcomed anyone who wanted to join.
“I know the name is Fellowship of Christian Athletes, but our doors are open to everyone,” club sponsor Troy Dice said. “We have members of all kinds: show choir, football, and people who want to be involved in general.”
Meeting in the Hall of Excellence meant that students walking by could hear and see what is happening, and some students walking by stopped in to join.
“‘See You at the Pole’ is probably my favorite part of FCA,” senior Leanna Sequeira said. “I think it’s so cool that we can freely worship at school, in the Hall of Excellence, and praise God’s name for ourselves and everyone around us.”