French NHS inducts new members to celebrate French culture
Teacher Madame Severine McClellan inducts sophomore Adeline Moore into French NHS.
November 5, 2022
Bouquets of vanilla white flowers placed within a glass vase adorn a table decorated with warm orange candles and a weathered old notebook. Next to this table is another table, upon which four plates are placed, laden with sweet delicacies for after this ceremony. And in front of these tables sit studious and hopeful students who await their induction into the French National Honors Society.
The purpose of French NHS is to further immerse students into the French language and culture.
“French NHS is an organization for French students who want to learn more about the language and culture. It recognizes scholarship and citizenship in the language as well,” senior Suhani Desai, club president, said.
French NHS is a club that not only values the students’ skill in French but also in other subjects as well.
“It is important because it allows students to be with a group of students who all enjoy and want to pursue the language further. The requirements are that the student must be enrolled in French 3 or higher and have an A- average or better in all their years of French,” Desai said.
This immersion in the French culture started with the induction of new members, which included sophomore Meraj Syeda.
“I am really happy about it and pretty proud about it, too. I was nervous at first, like, incredibly nervous, but once I got up there and started speaking French with Madame [McClellan], it was just a blissful feeling,” Syeda said.
Students can be inducted as early as their third year in French, so this ceremony is only a midpoint in their studies for many of them.
“Honestly I love the language, the culture, and just everything. I couldn’t name just one thing, ]and] I plan to continue in French IV and AP French,” Syeda said.