The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a group of students that gathers for prayer every Wednesday morning from 7 – 7:20 a.m. The leader of the group, math teacher Troy Dice, makes it his mission to lead FCA in the right direction and to make sure they stay on track with what the Bible instructs believers to do.
“In 2 Timothy 3:16 it says ‘For where two or three have gathered, there I am in their midst.’ We want to have believers gathering together in fellowship, in prayer and challenging each other of what does the Bible say and how are we going to obey,” Dice said.
The mission statement for the club states that it is “For athletes and all who may influence.” Contrary to many students beliefs, FCA is not only for athletes but is instead for anyone and everyone. The group is for students who want to spend one morning a week in fellowship with other Christians and focus on God.
“Many of the student leaders in FCA are not even athletes. They’re involved in other activities, and they just have a passion for Jesus and His ministry,” Dice said.
As a special addition to FCA, student leaders get the opportunity to teach a sermon in front of the rest of the club. A couple of students get a topic from Dice and then they get together to study what they are going preach on.
“I love it. FCA is probably my favorite thing I do at the school,” senior Ellie Todd said. “It just has an affect on me that nothing else can touch.”
For years, a passion for FCA has been growing in Dice. A friend of Dice had told him that this is where he thought his ministry would lead. Sure enough, this is where he was lead.
“FCA has a dear place in my heart. I grew in my faith through FCA,” Dice said, “It’s my place to give back for all of what Christ has done for me.”
The club is for any student who wants to attend and have fellowship in Christ. The club occasionally will have an event set up that students can participate in.
Students who would like to join FCA and be a part of these events can start by going to a meeting on Wednesdays at 7 a.m. To get more information, students can meet with one of the student leaders or go visit Dice’s room at the end of the Spanish hallway.