School provides events to aid freshmen transition

Kelsey Osborne, Sports Editor

As the start of school nears, staff and freshmen ambassadors have focused on welcoming the Freshman Class to the high school. 

They recognize that the transition from middle school to high school can be intimidating, so they offer events like freshmen orientation, freshmen registration and the upcoming freshmen froyo to help.

CG’s freshman orientation has been a long-standing tradition. At  the July 23 freshman orientation, the Class of 2023 was met by over 200 sophomores, juniors and seniors in crazy costumes, from Hawaii to traffic cones, dancing, jumping and partying throughout the auditorium and Hall of Excellence. Those were the freshman ambassadors, who wore matching red t-shirts that read “Trojan Fever 2019” on the front. 

“The purpose of freshman orientation is to help hundreds of freshmen turn a somewhat difficult transition from middle school to high school into an easy one. It allows them to overcome their fears and get excited about something many people dread,” senior Mahek Agrawal said. “I became an ambassador because I remember my freshman orientation fondly, and I wanted to have the opportunity to help the freshmen through sharing my experiences and getting them excited for high school.”

However, the ambassadors aren’t just with the freshmen during orientation day. They are also available throughout the year to help students easily transition into high school.

“The purpose is to give the freshman a foothold in the school so they have the best experience they can in CG,” senior Caron Esslinger said. “Knowing they have someone they can come to with their issues helps them a lot.”

At orientation, the upperclassmen offer their advice, experiences and expertise to freshmen.

“The most helpful thing that I learned at freshman orientation was to not stress about not having enough time to get to class and that you have a lot of time in those six minutes to get to class,” freshman Hope Eberwine said. “My favorite part of the day was when all the upperclassmen were hyping it up and wearing fun costumes.”

Freshmen have the opportunity to connect, become more familiar with the school and walk their schedules before the year begins at the Freshmen FroYo event happening in the cafeteria on Aug 5 at 6 p.m.