Student Government hosts first Winter Formal in four years


Seniors Matthew Mills and Morgan McClain, members of the 2019 homecoming court.

Amanda Zheng, Staff Writer

On Saturday, February 22, CGHS will be holding their Winter Formal for any students looking to attend. Students are encouraged to dress semi-formal, similar to Homecoming attire. Mrs.Goodman, CGHS’s Student Government coordinator, says the dance will give students a much-needed break.

“We’re just trying to raise some school spirit. It’s just a chance for everyone to get dressed up again, and have some fun with their friends. January through March is long without any breaks and it really drags on. We’re just trying to pep everyone up in this long winter and with everyone counting down the days until spring break, this is just something everyone can kind of look forward to.”

Along with the formal, StuGo has planned a spirit week leading up to the event. 

“We will have a spirit week leading up Tuesday through Friday, reminding everyone we have a dance coming up. The spirit days include PJs on Tuesday, tie-die on Wednesday, class colors on Thursday, and Friday is Jersey Day in celebration for the basketball game that’s that night,” Goodman said. “Student Government is also going to do a halftime competition at the basketball game.

Several years ago, the Winter Formal was a yearly occurrence, but in recent years it has not taken place. 

“This is my fourth year with Student Government, and for the last three years we’ve tried to do a winter dance. There was always something getting in the way, like in previous years there were two hour delays and such. This is the first year we have had time to plan it and get it advertised. We’ve been playing around with this idea for a couple of years, but this year we decided this would be happening no matter what,” Goodman said. 

Prior to the dance, students should make sure they have certain requirements fulfilled. 

“For the Winter Formal, we will need to see an ID at the door. If they want to bring a friend with them from a different school, they will need to get the guest form from the guidance office,” Goodman said. 

Donnie Conrad, StuGo’s Public Relations Committee Service Chair, encouraged students to attend the dance.

“Students who like homecoming related things should definitely come,” Conrad said. “You can get dressed up for a night, take pictures, and have fun with your friends. I think it will be a fun opportunity and a tradition we can start. The goal is a fun night for everyone. If this dance is a success, we are hoping to continue this dance for the upcoming years.”

Ticket sales start during lunch on February 18 and will be available for $5. Student-created playlists and decorations will be present and the dance will be held in the CGHS Hall of Excellence.