Just beyond the lights of the football field after the Trojan’s football scrimmage Friday night, a group of students, parents, and athletes gathered. They were all football fans, but their purpose exceeded a sporting event.

FCA and New Hope Church partnered together to create Unite Under the Lights, a worship service for fans, students, and the community.

“We do (Unite) to bring our church youth groups together and attract new people who might not otherwise know what we’re all about,” said Camden Radecki ‘17. Radecki played guitar and sang backup vocals in the band that led the crowd in worship. Other Unite services have been at local churches, but this was the first one held on school grounds.
The short service took months of planning and direct action from FCA leadership as well as student initiative. The original idea of a worship service that could converge sports and faith in a school atmosphere came from senior Kelly Garrison.

“Honestly, this was 100 percent the Holy Spirit,” said Garrison. “Over the summer, Mr. Dice and I continually brainstormed and prayed on how to make this happen; everything just fell into place really well,” said Garrison.
In addition to worship, prayer, and scripture readings from students, former Colts tight-end Gijon Robinson spoke to students about the importance of having passion for Christ.
“My walk with Christ has inspired me to pour into students, babies, old people, anyone who will listen to the Word,” said Robinson. “Football is what I do, it’s not who I am. My focus is on the Lord. I want people to take what I’ve done with my life and makes theirs better with it,” said Robinson.
For more information about Unite services or FCA, contact Mr. Dice.