The biggest fashion debate among boys in the last couple of years at Center Grove High School is a matter of style: cargo shorts or flat fronts?
“I am a big fan of cargo shorts, all of the extra pockets help me carry all of the materials I need to attack a work day,” senior Jon Duncan said.
Even though cargo shorts have enough pockets for people to carry everything they need, some students think they are out of style.
“Cargo shorts are the aboveground pool of clothing, it disgusts me when people wear them,” senior Ross Williams said. “Every student needs to change to flat fronts in order to be able to be cool and get [ladies].”
It is not scientifically proven that flat fronts cause you to get more women, but many students in the senior class seem confident that it does.
“Flat fronts have 1/10th the amount of pockets, but you will get 10 times the amount of chicks,” senior Ryan Stemle said.
Some students are taking this debate to new heights. A couple of passionate individuals have even burned shorts of the opposite side.
Senior Dustyn Evans has attended quite a few cargo bonfires.
“At a Cargo Embargo we will burn cargo shorts to be able to use them for heat to melt my s’mores because they are so out of style I will never wear them again,” Evans said.
As for girls stance on the fashion debate, many are surprised that guys are arguing about clothes.
“I am surprised that guys care so much, but I do think that flat fronts look much classier, and that guys should make the switch,” junior Emma Lemasters said.
Not all girls seem to think that the shorts a guy wears matters as long as they treat them with respect.
Senior Lacey Siderewicz said, “I honestly can not tell a difference between the two, because all that matters is what [kind of person they are], and not what they wear.”
As this debate rolls on it looks like flat fronts are winning the battle, more and more people are switching over from cargos, it will be interesting if cargos can stage a counter attack and win the war on boy’s style.