Media Center’s Maker Space opens to students
Senior Kyle Williams types on a computer in the Maker Space.
October 27, 2022
Students may have seen a room with a clear door and windows leading to a closed space containing all kinds of materials in the Media Center. That would be the Maker Space. The Maker Space was unavailable to students in the past, but starting this year, everyone will be able to reserve a spot.
“We actually just got a grant last year from the Education Foundation to be able to restock everything so that we can open the way that this room was originally designed. It has been closed for a few years now,” Media Assistant Ashley Cousino said.
Students may not realize the resources that this space offers, including large paper, a 3D printer, clay and other art supplies, a green screen, and a Cricut.

“It is a part of the Media Center that students can come to when they have projects that need a little more than what teachers have in their room,” Cousino said. “We’ve got pretty much any supplies you could imagine for making, creating or doing a project for school.”
Students interested in using the Maker Space need to reserve a spot in the Media Center.
“You come to the Circulation Desk and get your Media Center pass stamped so you can come in during your study hall period. We also need to make sure it isn’t already booked by another class,” Cousino said.
In addition to the Maker Space, the Media Center will be more available to students during their study hall periods.
“Students are welcome to come down during their study hall periods and use the Media Center to study, check out books or if they are working on a project with another person who happens to have a study hall at that same time,” Cousino said.
Despite the size of the Media Center, students are not guaranteed to receive a spot because the number of visitors will be limited during each class.

“We are allowing ten students per period to come into the Media Center at this time. Hopefully once everyone gets used to it and it’s not as new, we can open it up to a few more students per period,” Cousino said.
Students who are interested in using the Maker Space or Media Center should visit the Circulation Desk in the Media Center.